I was invited last summer to Cahors Malbec Days, a celebration of all things from the land of Black Wine. This is an international conference where we sat through endless seminars to educate sommeliers the world over about Cahors's place in history and the world scene of Malbec.
But enough about that. Right now, I'm going to talk about Foie Gras.
Here is the first thing that I had upon my arrival in France (save the terrible whiff the minute I stepped off the plane of thousands of Frenchmen puffing cigarettes... seriously, is there anyone in this country that doesn't smoke)--some amazing nonsense of mushrooms with foie and egg on top. Yummo!
You want more foie gras, you say? Well, here you go. A friend from California (it was illegal there at the time) went to town! Foie! Foie! Foie! (p.s. this link is how it can be ethical)
It turns out that Cahors is known for two things: 1. It is where Malbec originated 2. Same for the best liver you have ever had in your life. (above is exhibit A, from a wine dinner after our first big tasting)
Exhibit B: My friend Jerry is not quite tired of foie. I love that this winery accented our plate of delicious liver with a side of sausage and more sausage.
This is my kind of picnic. To be honest, it's at D'en Segur in Tarn, about a half hour outside of Cahors. But we're still talking about a bunch of goose liver on the plates, so who's counting, right??
We also had some fabulous gazpacho in Tarn--doesn't tomato juice rejuvenate your constitution after your fat cells triple in one week?? I believe it does--and if that doesn't take care of it, I GUARANTEE that Rose will!!
Still hungry? Here is straight-up foie on toast, plus seared foie with grilled apples on pumpkin bread... and melon. with PROSCIUTTO. of course.
Not enough gratuitous meat in this blog, you are thinking? Here's one of our courses in an after-tasting wine dinner. That would be prosciutto-wrapped foie gras, of course. And Malbec sauce to boot (we were a little overwhelmed with both liver and Cahors Black wine by now, but we tried to eat/drink it all.
I've decided that this blog should be renamed "why Emily Garrison is not a size four." And I will never have to explain why. This luncheon had salad next to our foie gras pate!!! I was beside myself.
Gratuitous meat shot. The "sushi" was wrapped in ham. Go France!
Maybe my favorite application of a whole lobe of foie gras ever. Sliders!!! At this point you might think, "are you kidding me??" Yeah, that's what I said too.
And finally, what would a salad be if it didn't have Serrano ham and Foie on top of it? No more worries about those lunch salads having too much fat in the dressing, ladies! Welcome to the land of the big, fat, juicy liver! I myself was gorging on french fries. Don't judge. They certainly don't in Cahors.
Next week I'll actually discuss the wine we were there to study in France!!
- Emily Garrison, Shiraz Fine Wine & Gourmet
- Emily Garrison, Shiraz Fine Wine & Gourmet
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